
Synthesizing fine-grained synchronization protocols for implicit monitors

Published in Proc. ACM Program. Lang. 6, OOPSLA1, 2022

Automatatically implementing fine-grained explicit synchronization protocols from an implicit monitor specification using formal methods

Recommended citation: Kostas Ferles, Benjamin Sepanski, Rahul Krishnan, James Bornholt, and Işil Dillig. 2022. "Synthesizing fine-grained synchronization protocols for implicit monitors." Proc. ACM Program. Lang. 6, OOPSLA1, Article 67 (December 2022), 26 pages.

Maximizing Performance Through Memory-Hierarchy Driven Data Layout Transformations

Published in MCHPC 2022: Workshop on Memory Centric High Performance Computing at SC22, 2022

Extend the Bricks framework to optimize high-dimensional code through data layout transformation

Recommended citation: B. Sepanski, T. Zhao, H. Johansen and S. Williams, "Maximizing Performance Through Memory Hierarchy-Driven Data Layout Transformations," in 2022 IEEE/ACM Workshop on Memory Centric High Performance Computing (MCHPC), Dallas, TX, USA, 2022 pp. 1-10. doi: 10.1109/MCHPC56545.2022.00006

Finite Elements for Helmholtz equations with a nonlocal boundary condition

Published in SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2021

A new nonlocal boundary condition for exterior Helmholtz problems along with the software infrastructure to express these boundary conditions in Unified Form Language

Recommended citation: Kirby, Robert C. and Klöckner, Andreas and Sepanski, Benjamin.(2021). "Finite Elements for Helmholtz Equations with a Nonlocal Boundary Condition." SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 43(3), A1671-A1691.

Augmented Hilbert series of numerical semigroups

Published in Integers, 2019

Several new explicit formulas for certain augmented Hilbert Series measuring maximal and minimal factorization lengths for all numerical semigroups.

Recommended citation: Glenn, Jeske and O'Neill Christopher and Ponomarenko, Vadim and Sepanski, Benjamin (June 3, 2019). "Augmented Hilbert series of numerical semigroups." Integers 19 #A32.